Welcome to Danner's outdoors store

The latest news

Our carbon fibre fish poles and baits are in special price. You can get 20 dollars back after spend every 100 dollars between Between Mar. 17 to Apr. 9. We are also going to stock some new styles of kayaks. Welcome to purchase.

About us

Danner's outdoors store is one of the biggest outdoors store in Toronto. We have various kinds of outdoor clothes, tools and vehicles that you may need. We also have some special activity to thanks for your coming. We are opening from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. from Wednesday to sunday. We have about 20 productions of special prices every week.

Our productions

Our productions are hard and useful , brcause they are made of the best material. Our wood are choosed from our best forest. We can privade free fixing servive in the 30 days after your buying.

Location of the store

If you are interested in Danner's outdoors store, please come to this address 18 garden hall drive